Search Results: "aaron"

8 October 2015

Petter Reinholdtsen: The Story of Aron Swartz - Let us all weep!

The movie "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz" is both inspiring and depressing at the same time. The work of Aaron Swartz has inspired me in my work, and I am grateful of all the improvements he was able to initiate or complete. I wish I am able to do as much good in my life as he did in his. Every minute of this 1:45 long movie is inspiring in documenting how much impact a single person can have on improving the society and this world. And it is depressing in documenting how the law enforcement of USA (and other countries) is corrupted to a point where they can push a bright kid to his death for downloading too many scientific articles. Aron is dead. Let us all weep. The movie is also available on Youtube. I wish there were Norwegian subtitles available, so I could show it to my parents.

27 July 2015

Michael Stapelberg: dh-make-golang: creating Debian packages from Go packages

Recently, the pkg-go team has been quite busy, uploading dozens of Go library packages in order to be able to package gcsfuse (a user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage) and InfluxDB (an open-source distributed time series database). Packaging Go library packages (!) is a fairly repetitive process, so before starting my work on the dependencies for gcsfuse, I started writing a tool called dh-make-golang. Just like dh-make itself, the goal is to automatically create (almost) an entire Debian package. As I worked my way through the dependencies of gcsfuse, I refined how the tool works, and now I believe it s good enough for a first release. To demonstrate how the tool works, let s assume we want to package the Go library
midna /tmp $ dh-make-golang
2015/07/25 18:25:39 Downloading ""
2015/07/25 18:25:53 Determining upstream version number
2015/07/25 18:25:53 Package version is "0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c"
2015/07/25 18:25:53 Determining dependencies
2015/07/25 18:25:55 
2015/07/25 18:25:55 Packaging successfully created in /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit
2015/07/25 18:25:55 
2015/07/25 18:25:55 Resolve all TODOs in itp-golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit.txt, then email it out:
2015/07/25 18:25:55     sendmail -t -f < itp-golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit.txt
2015/07/25 18:25:55 
2015/07/25 18:25:55 Resolve all the TODOs in debian/, find them using:
2015/07/25 18:25:55     grep -r TODO debian
2015/07/25 18:25:55 
2015/07/25 18:25:55 To build the package, commit the packaging and use gbp buildpackage:
2015/07/25 18:25:55     git add debian && git commit -a -m 'Initial packaging'
2015/07/25 18:25:55     gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder
2015/07/25 18:25:55 
2015/07/25 18:25:55 To create the packaging git repository on alioth, use:
2015/07/25 18:25:55     ssh "/git/pkg-go/setup-repository golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit 'Packaging for golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit'"
2015/07/25 18:25:55 
2015/07/25 18:25:55 Once you are happy with your packaging, push it to alioth using:
2015/07/25 18:25:55     git push git+ssh:// --tags master pristine-tar upstream
The ITP is often the most labor-intensive part of the packaging process, because any number of auto-detected values might be wrong: the repository owner might not be the Upstream Author , the repository might not have a short description, the long description might need some adjustments or the license might not be auto-detected.
midna /tmp $ cat itp-golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit.txt
From: "Michael Stapelberg" <stapelberg AT>
Subject: ITP: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit -- Go package for rate limiting
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg AT>
* Package name    : golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit
  Version         : 0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1
  Upstream Author : Aaron Jacobs
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Go package for rate limiting
 GoDoc (
 This package contains code for dealing with rate limiting. See the
 reference ( for more info.
TODO: perhaps reasoning
midna /tmp $
After filling in all the TODOs in the file, let s mail it out and get a sense of what else still needs to be done:
midna /tmp $ sendmail -t -f < itp-golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit.txt
midna /tmp $ cd golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ grep -r TODO debian
debian/changelog:  * Initial release (Closes: TODO) 
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $
After filling in these TODOs as well, let s have a final look at what we re about to build:
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ head -100 debian/**/*
==> debian/changelog <==                            
golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit (0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1) unstable; urgency=medium
  * Initial release (Closes: #793646)
 -- Michael Stapelberg <>  Sat, 25 Jul 2015 23:26:34 +0200
==> debian/compat <==
==> debian/control <==
Source: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit
Section: devel
Priority: extra
Maintainer: pkg-go <>
Uploaders: Michael Stapelberg <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Vcs-Git: git://
Package: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit-dev
Architecture: all
Depends: $ shlibs:Depends ,
         $ misc:Depends ,
Built-Using: $ misc:Built-Using 
Description: Go package for rate limiting
 This package contains code for dealing with rate limiting. See the
 reference ( for more info.
==> debian/copyright <==
Upstream-Name: ratelimit
Files: *
Copyright: 2015 Aaron Jacobs
License: Apache-2.0
Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2015 Michael Stapelberg <>
License: Apache-2.0
Comment: Debian packaging is licensed under the same terms as upstream
License: Apache-2.0
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at
 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
 On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache version 2.0 license
 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0".
==> debian/gbp.conf <==
pristine-tar = True
==> debian/rules <==
#!/usr/bin/make -f
export DH_GOPKG :=
	dh $@ --buildsystem=golang --with=golang
==> debian/source <==
head: error reading  debian/source : Is a directory
==> debian/source/format <==
3.0 (quilt)
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $
Okay, then. Let s give it a shot and see if it builds:
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ git add debian && git commit -a -m 'Initial packaging'
[master 48f4c25] Initial packaging                                                      
 7 files changed, 75 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 debian/changelog
 create mode 100644 debian/compat
 create mode 100644 debian/control
 create mode 100644 debian/copyright
 create mode 100644 debian/gbp.conf
 create mode 100755 debian/rules
 create mode 100644 debian/source/format
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder
[ ]
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ lintian ../golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0\~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1_amd64.changes
I: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit source: debian-watch-file-is-missing
P: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit-dev: no-upstream-changelog
I: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit-dev: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $
This package just built (as it should!), but occasionally one might need to disable a test and file an upstream bug about it. So, let s push this package to pkg-go and upload it:
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ ssh "/git/pkg-go/setup-repository golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit 'Packaging for golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit'"
Initialized empty shared Git repository in /srv/
HEAD is now at ea6b1c5 add mrconfig for dh-make-golang
[master c5be5a1] add mrconfig for golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
To /git/pkg-go/meta.git
   ea6b1c5..c5be5a1  master -> master
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ git push git+ssh:// --tags master pristine-tar upstream
Counting objects: 31, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
Writing objects: 100% (31/31), 18.38 KiB   0 bytes/s, done.
Total 31 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git+ssh://
 * [new branch]      master -> master
 * [new branch]      pristine-tar -> pristine-tar
 * [new branch]      upstream -> upstream
 * [new tag]         upstream/0.0_git20150723.0.2ca5e0c -> upstream/0.0_git20150723.0.2ca5e0c
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ cd ..
midna /tmp $ debsign golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0\~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1_amd64.changes
[ ]
midna /tmp $ dput golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0\~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1_amd64.changes   
Uploading golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit using ftp to ftp-master (host:; directory: /pub/UploadQueue/)
[ ]
Uploading golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1.dsc
Uploading golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c.orig.tar.bz2
Uploading golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1.debian.tar.xz
Uploading golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit-dev_0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1_all.deb
Uploading golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit_0.0~git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1_amd64.changes
midna /tmp $ cd golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit 
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ git tag debian/0.0_git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $ git push git+ssh:// --tags master pristine-tar upstream
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git+ssh://
 * [new tag]         debian/0.0_git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1 -> debian/0.0_git20150723.0.2ca5e0c-1
midna /tmp/golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit master $
Thanks for reading this far, and I hope dh-make-golang makes your life a tiny bit easier. As dh-make-golang just entered Debian unstable, you can install it using apt-get install dh-make-golang. If you have any feedback, I m eager to hear it.

1 April 2015

Benjamin Mako Hill: RomancR: The Future of the Sharing-Your-Bed Economy

romancer_logo Today, Aaron Shaw and I are pleased to announce a new startup. The startup is based around an app we are building called RomancR that will bring the sharing economy directly into your bedrooms and romantic lives. When launched, RomancR will bring the kind of market-driven convenience and efficiency that Uber has brought to ride sharing, and that AirBnB has brought to room sharing, directly into the most frustrating and inefficient domain of our personal lives. RomancR is Uber for romance and sex. Here s how it will work: Of course, there are many existing applications like Tinder and Grindr that help facilitate romance, dating, and hookups. Unfortunately, each of these still relies on old-fashion intrinsic ways of motivating people to participate in romantic endeavors. The sharing economy has shown us that systems that rely on these non-monetary motivations are ineffective and limiting! For example, many altruistic and socially-driven ride-sharing systems existed on platforms like Craigslist or Ridejoy before Uber. Similarly, volunteer-based communities like Couchsurfing and Hospitality Club existed for many years before AirBnB. None of those older systems took off in the way that their sharing economy counterparts were able to! The reason that Uber and AirBnB exploded where previous efforts stalled is that this new generation of sharing economy startups brings the power of markets to bear on the problems they are trying to solve. Money both encourages more people to participate in providing a service and also makes it socially easier for people to take that service up without feeling like they are socially in debt to the person providing the service for free. The result has been more reliable and effective systems for proving rides and rooms! The reason that the sharing economy works, fundamentally, is that it has nothing to do with sharing at all! Systems that rely on people s social desire to share without money projects like Couchsurfing are relics of the previous century. RomancR, which we plan to launch later this year, will bring the power and efficiency of markets to our romantic lives. You will leave your pitiful dating life where it belongs in the dustbin of history! Go beyond antiquated non-market systems for finding lovers. Why should we rely on people s fickle sense of taste and attractiveness, their complicated ideas of interpersonal compatibility, or their sense of altruism, when we can rely on the power of prices? With RomancR, we won t have to! Note: Thanks to Yochai Benkler whose example of how leaving a $100 bill on the bedside table of a person with whom you spent the night can change the nature of the a romantic interaction inspired the idea for this startup.

Benjamin Mako Hill: RomancR: The Future of the Sharing-Your-Bed Economy

romancer_logo Today, Aaron Shaw and I are pleased to announce a new startup. The startup is based around an app we are building called RomancR that will bring the sharing economy directly into your bedrooms and romantic lives. When launched, RomancR will bring the kind of market-driven convenience and efficiency that Uber has brought to ride sharing, and that AirBnB has brought to room sharing, directly into the most frustrating and inefficient domain of our personal lives. RomancR is Uber for romance and sex. Here s how it will work: Of course, there are many existing applications like Tinder and Grindr that help facilitate romance, dating, and hookups. Unfortunately, each of these still relies on old-fashion intrinsic ways of motivating people to participate in romantic endeavors. The sharing economy has shown us that systems that rely on these non-monetary motivations are ineffective and limiting! For example, many altruistic and socially-driven ride-sharing systems existed on platforms like Craigslist or Ridejoy before Uber. Similarly, volunteer-based communities like Couchsurfing and Hospitality Club existed for many years before AirBnB. None of those older systems took off in the way that their sharing economy counterparts were able to! The reason that Uber and AirBnB exploded where previous efforts stalled is that this new generation of sharing economy startups brings the power of markets to bear on the problems they are trying to solve. Money both encourages more people to participate in providing a service and also makes it socially easier for people to take that service up without feeling like they are socially in debt to the person providing the service for free. The result has been more reliable and effective systems for proving rides and rooms! The reason that the sharing economy works, fundamentally, is that it has nothing to do with sharing at all! Systems that rely on people s social desire to share without money projects like Couchsurfing are relics of the previous century. RomancR, which we plan to launch later this year, will bring the power and efficiency of markets to our romantic lives. You will leave your pitiful dating life where it belongs in the dustbin of history! Go beyond antiquated non-market systems for finding lovers. Why should we rely on people s fickle sense of taste and attractiveness, their complicated ideas of interpersonal compatibility, or their sense of altruism, when we can rely on the power of prices? With RomancR, we won t have to! Note: Thanks to Yochai Benkler whose example of how leaving a $100 bill on the bedside table of a person with whom you spent the night can change the nature of the a romantic interaction inspired the idea for this startup.

30 December 2014

Benjamin Mako Hill: Consider the Redirect

In wikis, redirects are special pages that silently take readers from the page they are visiting to another page. Although their presence is noted in tiny gray text (see the image below) most people use them all the time and never know they exist. Redirects exist to make linking between pages easier, they populate Wikipedia s search autocomplete list, and are generally helpful in organizing information. In the English Wikipedia, redirects make up more than half of all article pages. seattle_redirectOver the years, I ve spent some time contributing to to Redirects for Discussion (RfD). I think of RfD as like an ultra-low stakes version of Articles for Deletion where Wikipedians decide whether to delete or keep articles. If a redirect is deleted, viewers are taken to a search results page and almost nobody notices. That said, because redirects are almost never viewed directly, almost nobody notices if a redirect is kept either! I ve told people that if they want to understand the soul of a Wikipedian, they should spend time participating in RfD. When you understand why arguing about and working hard to come to consensus solutions for how Wikipedia should handle individual redirects is an enjoyable way to spend your spare time where any outcome is invisible you understand what it means to be a Wikipedian. That said, wiki researchers rarely take redirects into account. For years, I ve suspected that accounting for redirects was important for Wikipedia research and that several classes of findings were noisy or misleading because most people haven t done so. As a result, I worked with my colleague Aaron Shaw at Northwestern earlier this year to build a longitudinal dataset of redirects that can capture the dynamic nature of redirects. Our work was published as a short paper at OpenSym several months ago. It turns out, taking redirects into account correctly (especially if you are looking at activity over time) is tricky because redirects are stored as normal pages by MediaWiki except that they happen to start with special redirect text. Like other pages, redirects can be updated and changed over time are frequently are. As a result, taking redirects into account for any study that looks at activity over time requires looking at the text of every revision of every page. Using our dataset, Aaron and I showed that the distribution of edits across pages in English Wikipedia (a relationships that is used in many research projects) looks pretty close to log normal when we remove redirects and very different when you don t. After all, half of articles are really just redirects and, and because they are just redirects, these articles are almost never edited. edits_over_pagesAnother puzzling finding that s been reported in a few places and that I repeated myself several times is that edits and views are surprisingly uncorrelated. I ll write more about this later but the short version is that we found that a big chunk of this can, in fact, be explained by considering redirects. We ve published our code and data and the article itself is online because we paid the ACM s open access fee to ransom the article.

3 December 2014

Diego Escalante Urrelo: Link pack #01

Following the lead of my dear friend Daniel and his fantastic and addictive Summing up series, here s a link pack of recent stuff I read around the web. Link pack is definitely a terrible name, but I m working on it.
How to Silence Negative Thinking
On how to avoid the pitfall of being a Negatron and not an Optimist Prime. You might be your own worst enemy and you might not even know it:
Psychologists use the term automatic negative thoughts to describe the ideas that pop into our heads uninvited, like burglars, and leave behind a mess of uncomfortable emotions. In the 1960s, one of the founders of cognitive therapy, Aaron Beck, concluded that ANTs sabotage our best self, and lead to a vicious circle of misery: creating a general mindset that is variously unhappy or anxious or angry (take your pick) and which is (therefore) all the more likely to generate new ANTs. We get stuck in the same old neural pathways, having the same negative thoughts again and again.
Meet Harlem s Official Street Photographer
A man goes around Harlem with his camera, looking to give instead of taking. Makes you think about your approach to people and photography, things can be simpler. Kinda like Humans of New York, but in Harlem. And grittier, and on film but as touching, or more:
I tell people that my camera is a healing mechanism, Allah says. Let me photograph it and take it away from you.
What Happens When We Let Industry and Government Collect All the Data They Want
Why having nothing to hide is not about the now, but about the later. It s not that someone is going to judge for pushing every detail of your life to Twitter and Instagram, it s just that something you do might be illegal a few years later:
There was a time when it was essentially illegal to be gay. There was a time when it was legal to own people and illegal for them to run away. Sometimes, society gets it wrong. And it s not just nameless bureaucrats; it s men like Thomas Jefferson. When that happens, strong privacy protections including collection controls that let people pick who gets their data, and when allow the persecuted and unpopular to survive.
The Sex-Abuse Scandal Plaguing USA Swimming
Abusive coaches and a bullying culture in sports training are the perfect storm for damaging children. And it s amazing the extent to which a corporation or institution is willing to look the other way, as long as they save face. Very long piece, but intriguing to read. What Cities Would Look Like if Lit Only by the Stars
Thierry Cohen goes around the world and builds beautiful and realistic composite images of how would big cities look like if lit only by stars. The original page has some more cities: Villes teintes (Darkened Cities). On Muppets & Merchandise: How Jim Henson Turned His Art into a Business
Lessons from how Jim Henson managed to juggle both art and business without selling out for the wrong reasons. Really interesting, and reminds you to put Henson in perspective as a very smart man who managed to convince everyone to give him money for playing with muppets. The linked video on How the Muppet Show is Made is also cool. Made me curious enough to get the book. Barbie, Remixed: I (really!) can be a computer engineer
Mattel launched the most misguided book about empowering Barbie to be anything but a computer engineer in a book about being a computer engineer. The internet did not disappoint and fixed the problem within hours. There s now even an app for that (includes user submitted pages).

29 October 2014

Patrick Matth i: geoip and geoip-database news!

Hi, geoip version 1.6.2-2 and geoip-database version 20141027-1 are now available in Debian unstable/sid, with some news of more free databases available :) geoip changes:
   * Add patch for geoip-csv-to-dat to add support for building GeoIP city DB.
     Many thanks to Andrew Moise for contributing!
   * Add and install geoip-generator-asn, which is able to build the ASN DB. It
     is a modified version from the original geoip-generator. Much thanks for
     contributing also to Aaron Gibson!
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes required).
geoip-database changes:
   * New upstream release.
   * Add new databases GeoLite city and GeoLite ASN to the new package
     geoip-database-extra. Also bump build depends on geoip to 1.6.2-2.
   * Switch to xz compression for the orig tarball.
So much thanks to both contributors!

30 September 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Diego G mez: Imprisoned for sharing

I got word via the Electronic Frontier Foundation about an act of injustice happening to a person for doing... Not only what I do day to day, but what I promote and believe to be right: Sharing academic articles. Diego is a Colombian, working towards his Masters degree on conservation and biodiversity in Costa Rica. He is now facing up to eight years imprisonment for... Sharing a scholarly article he did not author on Scribd. Many people lack the knowledge and skills to properly set up a venue to share their articles with people they know. Many people will hope for the best and expect academic publishers to be fundamentally good, not to send legal threats just for the simple, noncommercial act of sharing knowledge. Sharing knowledge is fundamental for science to grow, for knowledge to rise. Besides, most scholarly studies are funded by public money, and as the saying goes, they should benefit the public. And the public is everybody, is all of us. And yes, if this sounds in any way like what drove Aaron Swartz to his sad suicide early this year... It is exactly the same thing. Thankfully (although, sadly, after the sad fact), thousands of people strongly stood on Aaron's side on that demand. Please sign the EFF petition to help Diego, share this, and try to spread the word on the real world needs for Open Access mandates for academics! Some links with further information:

5 May 2014

Robert Collins: Distributed bugtracking quick thoughts

Just saw and I feel compelled to note that distributed bug trackers are not new the earliest I personally encountered was Aaron Bentley s Bugs everywhere coming up on it s 10th birthday. BE meets many of the criteria in the dbts post I read earlier today, but it hasn t taken over the world and I think this is in large part due to the propogation nature of bugs being very different to code different solutions are needed. XXXX: With distributed code versioning we often see people going to some effort to avoid conflicts semantic conflicts are common, and representation conflicts extremely common.The idions Take for example Here we can look at the nature of the content:
  1. Concurrent cannot-conflict content e.g. the discussion about the bug. In general everyone should have this in their local bug database as soon as possible, and anyone can write to it.
  2. Observations of fact e.g. the code change that should fix the bug has landed in Ubuntu or Commit C should fix the bug .
  3. Reports of symptoms e.g. Foo does not work for me in Ubuntu with package versions X, Y and Z .
  4. Collaboratively edited metadata tags, title, description, and arguably even the fields like package, open/closed, importance.
Note that only one of these things the commit to fix the bug happens in the same code tree as the code; and that the commit fixing it may be delayed by many things before the fix is available to users. Also note that conceptually conflicts can happen in any of those fields except 1). Anyhow my humble suggestion for tackling the conflicts angle is to treat all changes to a bug as events in a timeline e.g. adding a tag foo is an event to add foo , rather than an event setting the tags list to bar,foo then multiple editors adding foo do not conflict (or need special handling). Collaboratively edited fields would be likely be unsatisfying with this approach though last-writer-wins isn t a great story. OTOH the number of people that edit the collaborative fields on any given bug tend to be quite low so one could defer that to manual fixups. Further, as a developer wanting local access to my bug database, syncing all of these things is appealing but if I m dealing with a million-bug bug database, I may actually need the ability to filter what I sync or do not sync with some care. Even if I want everything, query performance on such a database is crucial for usability (something git demonstrated convincingly in the VCS space). Lastly, I don t think distributed bug tracking is needed it doesn t solve a deeply burning use case offline access would be a 90% solution for most people. What does need rethinking is the hugely manual process most bug systems use today. Making tools like whoopsie-daisy widely available is much more interesting (and that may require distributed underpinnings to work well and securely). Automatic collation of distinct reports and surfacing the most commonly experienced faults to developers offers a path to evidence based assessment of quality something I think we badly need.

28 February 2014

Russell Coker: Links February 2014

The Economist has an interesting and informative article about the lack of reproducability of scientific papers and the implications for scientific research [1]. Regina Dugan gave an interesting TED talk about some of the amazing DARPA projects [2]. Chris Anderson interviewed Elon Musk about the Tesla cars, SpaceX, and his new venture Solar City [3]. Elon has a lot of great ideas for improving humanity while also making money. Smart Planet has an interesting article about Bhutan s switch to electric vehicles [4]. Paul Piff gave an insightful and well researched TED talk about the ways that money makes people mean [5]. Maryn McKenna wrote an interesting article for Wired about what happens when the current anti-biotics stop working [6]. Unfortunately she lists increasing food prices as a consequence, really the unreasonably low price of meat is due to the misuse of anti-biotics that is causing this problem. Linda Walther Tirado wrote an interesting article about being poor titled Why I Make Terrible Decisions, or, Poverty Thoughts [7]. It gives a real insight into the situation of people who are trapped in poverty. When someone who is as obviously intelligent as Linda feels that it s impossible to escape poverty there is a real problem in the system. While Australia doesn t suck nearly as badly as the US in this regard (higher minimum wage and better health care) we still need to improve things, I know people in Australia who s experience bears some similarity to Linda s. Maxwell Neely-Cohen wrote an interesting article about peer pressure [8]. Some of the conclusions are dubious, but the ideas on the way the Internet changes peer relationships in high school are interesting. An English pediatrician wrote an article for The Daily Beast about why he won t accept anti-vac clients [9]. There are some decent people in the Liberal Party, Liberal MP Warren Entsch attacks Cory Bernardi on gay obsession [10]. AFAIK we haven t yet had a gay sex scandal involving a homophobic Australian politician

29 January 2014

Benjamin Mako Hill: Aaron Swartz A Year Later

My friend Aaron Swartz died a little more than a year ago. This time last year, I was spending much of my time speaking with journalists and reading what they were writing about Aaron. Since the anniversary of his death, I have tried to take time to remember Aaron. I ve returned to the things I wrote and the things I said including this short article published last year in Red Pepper that SJ Klein and I wrote together but that I forgot to mention on my blog. I m also excited to see that a documentary film about Aaron premiered at the Sundance Film Festival last week. I was interviewed for the film but am not in it. As I said last year at a memorial for Aaron, I think about Aaron frequently and often think about my own decisions in terms of what Aaron would have done. I continued to be optimistic about the potential for Aaron-inspired action.

31 August 2013

Russell Coker: Links August 2013

Mark Cuban wrote an interesting article titled What Business is Wall Street In about the failure of Wall Street to fulfill it s stated purpose of providing capital for businesses [1]. His proposed solution is extreme, but so is the problem. PopSci has an interesting article by Peter Nonacs about allowing students to collaborate (which is often known as cheating ) in an exam on a Game Theory exam [2]. So the Game Theory exam became a practical exercise. It s more interesting than I can describe in a paragraph. Salon has an interesting article suggesting that mealtime routines and rituals improve flavor [3]. I wonder whether that applies to other things. Does the ritual of compiling software make one enjoy it more? Would the food at a Linux conference taste better if we sang the Free Software Song first?

3 August 2013

Benjamin Mako Hill: Doctor of Philosophy

On Wednesday, I successfully defended my PhD dissertation in front of a ridiculously packed house at the MIT Media Lab. I am humbled by the support shown by the MIT Sloan, Media Lab, and Harvard communities. Earlier today, I finished up paperwork and submitted my archival copies. I m done. Although I ve often heard PhDs described as emotional roller coasters, I feel enormously blessed in that I honestly can t relate. My eight years at MIT and Harvard have been almost universally positive and I have learned and grown indescribably. As excited as I am about my next chapter at the University of Washington, I m going to miss my life here. Deeply. My dissertation was three essays on volunteer mobilization in peer production. Once I have a chance to catch up and recover, I ll be posting the previously unpublished pieces. The Remixing Dilemma was included in the dissertation and is already online. The Media Lab AV team shot professional video of the talk. When I get a copy of the video, I ll post that too. But because I think it s important, I ve formatted and published the acknowledgments section of the dissertation today. Although there are too many folks to thank, I ve highlighted the contributions of my co-authors, and friends, Aaron Shaw and Andr s Monroy Hern ndez and my almost unbelievably incredible group of advisors: Eric von Hippel, Yochai Benkler, Mitch Resnick, and Tom Malone.

31 July 2013

Russell Coker: Links July 2013

Wayne Mcgregor gave an interesting TED talk about the creative processes of a choreographer [1]. The dancing in this talk is really good. Melissa McEwan wrote an interesting article on whether being an ally to members of a disadvantaged group is a state or a process [2]. It seems to me that the word ally is a problem here, maybe a word like supporter would be more useful. Ken Murray wrote an insightful article How Doctors Die about the end of life choices that people with medical experience make [3]. He makes a good case for rejecting the type of treatment which has a low probability of success and a certainty of lowering the quality of life. It would be good if health insurance offered patients with terminal illness an option of $1000 per day party funds if they chose to reject the expensive and painful methods that might extend their life, that might even save enough money to allow cheaper health insurance! Rick Falkvinge wrote an interesting post about the copyright to translations of the Bible [4]. I used to think that copyright issues with religious works was only a problem with cults Joshua Foer wrote an interesting article for the New Yorker about the invention of the language Quijada which is designed for maximum precision [5]. It also has a lot of background information on constructed languages and the way that they are used.

21 July 2013

Benjamin Mako Hill: The Wikipedia Gender Gap Revisited

In a new paper, recently published in the open access journal PLOSONE, Aaron Shaw and I build on new research in survey methodology to describe a method for estimating bias in opt-in surveys of contributors to online communities. We use the technique to reevaluate the most widely cited estimate of the gender gap in Wikipedia. A series of studies have shown that Wikipedia s editor-base is overwhelmingly male. This extreme gender imbalance threatens to undermine Wikipedia s capacity to produce high quality information from a full range of perspectives. For example, many articles on topics of particular interest to women tend to be under-produced or of poor quality. Given the open and often anonymous nature of online communities, measuring contributor demographics is a challenge. Most demographic data on Wikipedia editors come from opt-in surveys where people respond to open, public invitations. Unfortunately, very few people answer these invitations. Results from opt-in surveys are unreliable because respondents are rarely representative of the community as a whole. The most widely-cited estimate from a large 2008 survey by the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) and UN University in Maastrict (UNU-MERIT) suggested that only 13% of contributors were female. However, the very same survey suggested that less than 40% of Wikipedia s readers were female. We know, from several reliable sources, that Wikipedia s readership is evenly split by gender a sign of bias in the WMF/UNU-MERIT survey. In our paper, we combine data from a nationally representative survey of the US by the Pew Internet and American Life Project with the opt-in data from the 2008 WMF/UNU-MERIT survey to come up with revised estimates of the Wikipedia gender gap. The details of the estimation technique are in the paper, but the core steps are:
  1. We use the Pew dataset to provide baseline information about Wikipedia readers.
  2. We apply a statistical technique called propensity scoring to estimate the likelihood that a US adult Wikipedia reader would have volunteered to participate in the WMF/UNU-MERIT survey.
  3. We follow a process originally developed by Valliant and Dever to weight the WMF/UNU-MERIT survey to correct for estimated bias.
  4. We extend this weighting technique to Wikipedia editors in the WMF/UNU data to produce adjusted estimates of the demographics of their sample.
Using this method, we estimate that the proportion of female US adult editors was 27.5% higher than the original study reported (22.7%, versus 17.8%), and that the total proportion of female editors was 26.8% higher (16.1%, versus 12.7%). These findings are consistent with other work showing that opt-in surveys tend to undercount women. Overall, these results reinforce the basic substantive finding that women are vastly under-represented among Wikipedia editors. Beyond Wikipedia, our paper describes a method online communities can adopt to estimate contributor demographics using opt-in surveys, but that is more credible than relying entirely on opt-in data. Advertising-intelligence firms like ComScore and Quantcast provide demographic data on the readership of an enormous proportion of websites. With these sources, almost any community can use our method (and source code) to replicate a similar analysis by: (1) surveying a community s readers (or a random subset) with the same instrument used to survey contributors; (2) combining results for readers with reliable demographic data about the readership population from a credible source; (3) reweighting survey results using the method we describe. Although our new estimates will not help us us close the gender gap in Wikipedia or address its troubling implications, they give us a better picture of the problem. Additionally, our method offers an improved tool to build a clearer demographic picture of other online communities in general.

2 July 2013

Ond&#345;ej &#268;ert&iacute;k: My impressions from the SciPy 2013 conference

I have attended the SciPy 2013 conference in Austin, Texas. Here are my impressions.

Number one is the fact that the IPython notebook was used by pretty much everyone. I use it a lot myself, but I didn't realize how ubiquitous it has become. It is quickly becoming the standard now. The IPython notebook is using Markdown and in fact it is better than Rest. The way to remember the "[]()" syntax for links is that in regular text you put links into () parentheses, so you do the same in Markdown, and append [] for the text of the link. The other way to remember is that [] feel more serious and thus are used for the text of the link. I stressed several times to +Fernando Perez and +Brian Granger how awesome it would be to have interactive widgets in the notebook. Fortunately that was pretty much preaching to the choir, as that's one of the first things they plan to implement good foundations for and I just can't wait to use that.

It is now clear, that the IPython notebook is the way to store computations that I want to share with other people, or to use it as a "lab notebook" for myself, so that I can remember what exactly I did to obtain the results (for example how exactly I obtained some figures from raw data). In other words --- instead of having sets of scripts and manual bash commands that have to be executed in particular order to do what I want, just use IPython notebook and put everything in there.

Number two is that how big the conference has become since the last time I attended (couple years ago), yet it still has the friendly feeling. Unfortunately, I had to miss a lot of talks, due to scheduling conflicts (there were three parallel sessions), so I look forward to seeing them on video.

+Aaron Meurer and I have done the SymPy tutorial (see the link for videos and other tutorial materials). It's been nice to finally meet +Matthew Rocklin (very active SymPy contributor) in person. He also had an interesting presentation
about symbolic matrices + Lapack code generation. +Jason Moore presented PyDy.
It's been a great pleasure for us to invite +David Li (still a high school student) to attend the conference and give a presentation about his work on and

It was nice to meet the Julia guys, +Jeff Bezanson and +Stefan Karpinski. I contributed the Fortran benchmarks on the Julia's website some time ago, but I had the feeling that a lot of them are quite artificial and not very meaningful. I think Jeff and Stefan confirmed my feeling. Julia seems to have quite interesting type system and multiple dispatch, that SymPy should learn from.

I met the VTK guys +Matthew McCormick and +Pat Marion. One of the keynotes was given by +Will Schroeder from Kitware about publishing. I remember him stressing to manage dependencies well as well as to use BSD like license (as opposed to viral licenses like GPL or LGPL). That opensource has pretty much won (i.e. it is now clear that that is the way to go).

I had great discussions with +Francesc Alted, +Andy Terrel, +Brett Murphy, +Jonathan Rocher, +Eric Jones, +Travis Oliphant, +Mark Wiebe, +Ilan Schnell, +St fan van der Walt, +David Cournapeau, +Anthony Scopatz, +Paul Ivanov, +Michael Droettboom, +Wes McKinney, +Jake Vanderplas, +Kurt Smith, +Aron Ahmadia, +Kyle Mandli, +Benjamin Root and others.

It's also been nice to have a chat with +Jason Vertrees and other guys from Schr dinger.

One other thing that I realized last week at the conference is that pretty much everyone agreed on the fact that NumPy should act as the default way to represent memory (no matter if the array was created in Fortran or other code) and allow manipulations on it. Faster libraries like Blaze or ODIN should then hook themselves up into NumPy using multiple dispatch. Also SymPy would then hook itself up so that it can be used with array operations natively. Currently SymPy does work with NumPy (see our tests for some examples what works), but the solution is a bit fragile (it is not possible to override NumPy behavior, but because NumPy supports general objects, we simply give it SymPy objects and things mostly work).

Similar to this, I would like to create multiple dispatch in SymPy core itself, so that other (faster) libraries for symbolic manipulation can hook themselves up, so that their own (faster) multiplication, expansion or series expansion would get called instead of the SymPy default one implemented in pure Python.

Other blog posts from the conference:

30 June 2013

Russell Coker: Links June 2013

Cory Doctorow published a letter from a 14yo who had just read his novel Homeland [1]. I haven t had anything insightful to say about Aaron Swartz, so I think that this link will do [2]. Seth Godin gave an interesting TED talk about leading tribes [3]. I think everyone who is active in the FOSS community should watch this talk. Ron Garrett wrote an interesting post about the risk of being hit by a dinosaur killer [4]. We really need to do something about this and the cost of defending against asteroids is almost nothing compared to defence spending. Afra Raymond gave an interesting TED talk about corruption [5]. He focussed on his country Trinidad and Tobago but the lessons apply everywhere. Wikihouse is an interesting project that is based around sharing designs for houses that can be implemented using CNC milling machines [6]. It seems to be at the early stages but it has a lot of potential to change the building industry. Here is a TED blog post summarising Dan Pallotta s TED talk about fundraising for nonprofits [7]. His key point is that moral objections to advertising for charities significantly reduce their ability to raise funds and impacts the charitable mission. I don t entirely agree with his talk which is very positive towards spending on promotion but I think that he makes some good points which people should consider. Here is a TED blog post summarising Peter Singer s TED talk about effective altruism [8]. His focus seems to be on ways of cheaply making a significant difference which doesn t seem to agree with Dan Pallotta s ideas. Patton Oswalt wrote an insightful article about the culture of stand-up comedians which starts with joke stealing and heckling and ends with the issue of rape jokes [9]. Karen Eng wrote an interesting TED blog post about Anthony Vipin s invention of HAPTIC shoes for blind people [10]. The vibration of the shoes tells the person which way to walk and a computer sees obstacles that need to be avoided. David Blaine gave an interesting TED talk about how he prepared for a stunt of holding his breath for 17 minutes [11].

8 June 2013

Benjamin Mako Hill: London and Michigan

I ll be spending the week after next (June 17-23) in London for the annual meeting of the International Communication Association where I ll be presenting a paper. This will be my first ICA and I m looking forward to connecting with many new colleagues in the discipline. If you re one of them, reading this, and would like to meet up in London, please let me know! Starting June 24th, I ll be in Ann Arbor, Michigan for four weeks of the ICPSR summer program in applied statistics at the Institute for Social Research. I have been wanting to sign up for some of their advanced methods classes for years and am planning to take the opportunity this summer before I start at UW. I ll be living with my friends and fellow Berkman Cooperation Group members Aaron Shaw and Dennis Tennen. I would love to make connections and meet people in both places so, if you would like to meet up, please get in contact.

4 June 2013

Keith Packard: dri3 extension

Completing the DRI3 Extension This week marks a pretty significant milestone for the glorious DRI3000 future. The first of the two new extensions is complete and running both full Gnome and KDE desktops. DRI3 Extension Overview The DRI3 extension provides facilities for building direct rendering libraries to work with the X window system. DRI3 provides three basic mechanisms:
  1. Open a DRM device.
  2. Share kernel objects associated with X pixmaps. The direct rendering client may allocate kernel objects itself and ask the X server to construct a pixmap referencing them, or the client may take an existing X pixmap and discover the underlying kernel object for it.
  3. Synchronize access to the kernel objects. Within the X server, Sync Fences are used to serialize access to objects. These Sync Fences are exposed via file descriptors which the underlying driver can use to implement synchronization. The current Intel DRM driver passes a shared page containing a Linux Futex.
Opening the DRM Device Ideally, the DRM application would be able to just open the graphics device and start drawing, sending the resulting buffers to the X server for display. There s work going on to make this possible, but the current situation has the X server in charge of blessing the file descriptors used by DRM clients. DRI2 does this by having the DRM client fetch a magic cookie from the kernel and pass that to the X server. The cookie is then passed to the kernel which matches it up with the DRM client and turns on rendering access for that application. For DRI3, things are much simpler the DRM client asks the X server to pass back a file descriptor for the device. The X server opens the device, does the magic cookie dance all by itself (at least for now), and then passes the file descriptor back to the application.
    drawable: DRAWABLE
    driverType: DRI3DRIVER
    provider: PROVIDER
    nfd: CARD8
    driver: STRING
    device: FD
    Errors: Drawable, Value, Match
    This requests that the X server open the direct rendering
    device associated with drawable, driverType and RandR
    provider. The provider must support SourceOutput or SourceOffload.
    The direct rendering library used to implement the specified
    'driverType' is returned in 'driver'. The file
    descriptor for the device is returned in 'device'. 'nfd' will
    be set to one (this is strictly a convenience for XCB which
    otherwise would need request-specific information about how
    many file descriptors were associated with this reply).
Sharing Kernel Pixel Buffers An explicit non-goal of DRI3 is support for sharing buffers that don t map directly to regular X pixmaps. So, GL ancillary buffers like depth and stencil just don t apply here. The shared buffers in DRI3 are regular X pixmaps in the X server. This provides a few obvious benefits over the DRI2 scheme: In the kernel, the buffers are referenced by DMA-BUF handles, which provides a nice driver-independent mechanism.
  1. Lifetimes are easily managed. Without being associated with a separate drawable, it s easy to know when to free the Pixmap.
  2. Regular X requests apply directly. For instance, copying between buffers can use the core CopyArea request.
To create back- and fake-front- buffers for Windows, the application creates a kernel buffer, associates a DMA-BUF file descriptor with that and then sends the fd to the X server with a pixmap ID to create the associated pixmap. Doing it in this direction avoids a round trip.
    pixmap: PIXMAP
    drawable: DRAWABLE
    size: CARD32
    width, height, stride: CARD16
    depth, bpp: CARD8
    buffer: FD
    Errors: Alloc, Drawable, IDChoice, Value, Match
    Creates a pixmap for the direct rendering object associated
    with 'buffer'. Changes to pixmap will be visible in that
    direct rendered object and changes to the direct rendered
    object will be visible in the pixmap.
    'size' specifies the total size of the buffer bytes. 'width',
    'height' describe the geometry (in pixels) of the underlying
    buffer. 'stride' specifies the number of bytes per scanline in
    the buffer. The pixels within the buffer may not be arranged
    in a simple linear fashion, but 'size' will be at least
    'height' * 'stride'.
    Precisely how any additional information about the buffer is
    shared is outside the scope of this extension.
    If buffer cannot be used with the screen associated with
    drawable, a Match error is returned.
    If depth or bpp are not supported by the screen, a Value error
    is returned.
To provide for texture-from-pixmap, the application takes the pixmap ID and passes that to the X server which returns the a file descriptor for a DMA-BUF which is associated with the underlying kernel buffer.
    pixmap: PIXMAP
    depth: CARD8
    size: CARD32
    width, height, stride: CARD16
    depth, bpp: CARD8
    buffer: FD
    Errors: Pixmap, Match
    Pass back a direct rendering object associated with
    pixmap. Changes to pixmap will be visible in that
    direct rendered object and changes to the direct rendered
    object will be visible in the pixmap.
    'size' specifies the total size of the buffer bytes. 'width',
    'height' describe the geometry (in pixels) of the underlying
    buffer. 'stride' specifies the number of bytes per scanline in
    the buffer. The pixels within the buffer may not be arranged
    in a simple linear fashion, but 'size' will be at least
    'height' * 'stride'.
    Precisely how any additional information about the buffer is
    shared is outside the scope of this extension.
    If buffer cannot be used with the screen associated with
    drawable, a Match error is returned.
Tracking Window Size Changes When Eric Anholt and I first started discussing DRI3, we hoped to avoid needing to learn about the window size from the X server. The thought was that the union of all of the viewports specified by the application would form the bounds of the drawing area. When the window size changed, we expected the application would change the viewport. Alas, this simple plan isn t sufficient here a few GL functions are not limited to the viewport. So, we need to track the actual window size and monitor changes to it. DRI2 does this by delivering invalidate events to the application whenever the current buffer isn t valid; the application discovers that this event has been delivered and goes to as the X server for the new buffers. There are a couple of problems with this approach:
  1. Any outstanding DRM rendering requests will still draw to the old buffers.
  2. The Invalidate events must be captured before the application sees the related ConfigureNotify event so that the GL library can react appropriately.
The first problem is pretty intractable within DRI2 the application has no way of knowing whether a frame that it has drawn was delivered to the correct buffer as the underlying buffer object can change at any time. DRI3 fixes this by having the application in control of buffer management; it can easily copy data from the previous back buffer to the new back buffer synchronized to its own direct rendering. The second problem was solved in DRI2 by using the existing Xlib event hooks; the GL library directly implements the Xlib side of the DRI2 extension and captures the InvalidateBuffers events within that code, delivering those to the driver code. The problem with this solution is that Xlib holds the Display structure mutex across this whole mess, and Mesa must be very careful not to make any Xlib calls during the invalidate call. For DRI3, I considered placing the geometry data in a shared memory buffer, but my future plans for the Present extension led me to want an X event instead (more about the Present extension in a future posting). An X ConfigureNotify event is sufficient for the current requirements to track window sizes accurately. However, there s no easy way for the GL library to ensure that ConfigureNotify events will be delivered to the application other application code may (and probably will) adjust the window event mask for its own uses. I considered adding the necessary event mask tracking code within XCB, but again, knowing that the Present extension would probably need additional information anyhow, decided to create a new event instead. Using an event requires that XCB provide some mechanism to capture those events, keep them from the regular X event stream, and deliver them to the GL library. A further requirement is that the GL library be absolutely assured of receiving notification about these events before the regular event processing within the application will see a core ConfigureNotify event. The method I came up with for XCB is fairly specific to my requirements. The events are always XGE events, and are tagged with a special event context ID , an XID allocated for this purpose. The combination of the extension op-code, the event type and this event context ID are used to split off these events to custom event queues using the following APIs:
 * @brief Listen for a special event
xcb_special_event_t *xcb_register_for_special_event(xcb_connection_t *c,
                                                    uint8_t extension,
                                                    uint16_t evtype,
                                                    uint32_t eid,
                                                    uint32_t *stamp);
This creates a special event queue which will contain only events matching the specified extension/type/event-id triplet.
 * @brief Returns the next event from a special queue
xcb_generic_event_t *xcb_check_for_special_event(xcb_connection_t *c,
                                                 xcb_special_event_t *se);
This pulls an event from a special event queue. These events will not appear in the regular X event queue and so applications will never see them. There s one more piece of magic here the stamp value passed to xcbregisterforspecialevent. This pointer refers to a location in memory which will be incremented every time an event is placed in the special event queue. The application can cheaply monitor this memory location for changes and known when to check the queue for events. Within GL, the value used is the existing dri2 stamp value. That is checked at the top of the rendering operation; if it has changed, the drawing buffers will be re-acquired. Part of the buffer acquisition process is a check for special events related to the window. For now, I ve placed these events in the DRI3 extension. However, they will move to the Present extension once that is working.
    eventContext: DRI3EVENTID
    window: WINDOW
    eventMask: SETofDRI3EVENT
    Errors: Window, Value, Match, IDchoice
    Selects the set of DRI3 events to be delivered for the
    specified window and event context. DRI3SelectInput can
    create, modify or delete event contexts. An event context is
    associated with a specific window; using an existing event
    context with a different window generates a Match error.
    If eventContext specifies an existing event context, then if
    eventMask is empty, DRI3SelectInput deletes the specified
    context, otherwise the specified event context is changed to
    select a different set of events.
    If eventContext is an unused XID, then if eventMask is empty
    no operation is performed. Otherwise, a new event context is
    created selecting the specified events.
The events themselves look a lot like a configure notify event:
    type: CARD8         XGE event type (35)
    extension: CARD8        DRI3 extension request number
    length: CARD16          2
    evtype: CARD16          DRI3_ConfigureNotify
    eventID: DRI3EVENTID
    window: WINDOW
    x: INT16
    y: INT16
    width: CARD16
    height: CARD16
    off_x: INT16
    off_y: INT16
    pixmap_width: CARD16
    pixmap_height: CARD16
    pixmap_flags: CARD32
    'x' and 'y' are the parent-relative location of 'window'.
Note that there are a couple of odd additional fields offx, offy, pixmapwidth, pixmapheight and pixmap_flags are all place-holders for what I expect to end up in the Present extension. For now, in DRI3, they should be ignored. Synchronization The DRM application needs to know when various X requests related to its buffers have finished. In particular, when performing a buffer swap, the client wants to know when that completes, and be able to block until it has. DRI2 does this by having the application make a synchronous request from the X server to get the names of the new back buffer for drawing the next frame. This has two problems:
  1. The synchronous round trip to the X server isn t free. Other running applications may cause fairly arbitrary delays in getting the reply back from the X server.
  2. Synchronizing with the X server doesn t ensure that GPU operations are necessarily serialized between the application and the X server.
What we want is a serialization guarantee between the X server and the DRM application that operates at the GPU level. I ve written a couple of times (dri3k first steps and Shared Memory Fences) about using X Sync extension Fences (created by James Jones and Aaron Plattner) for this synchronization and wanted to get a bit more specific here. With the X server, a Sync extension Fence is essentially driver-specific, allowing the hardware design to control how the actual synchronization is performed. DRI3 creates a way to share the underlying operating system object by passing a file descriptor from application to the X server which somehow references that device object. Both sides of the protocol need to tacitly agree on what it means.
    drawable: DRAWABLE
    fence: FENCE
    initially-triggered: BOOL
    fd: FD
    Errors: IDchoice, Drawable
    Creates a Sync extension Fence that provides the regular Sync
    extension semantics along with a file descriptor that provides
    a device-specific mechanism to manipulate the fence directly.
    Details about the mechanism used with this file descriptor are
    outside the scope of the DRI3 extension.
For the current GEM kernel interface, because all GPU access is serialized at the kernel API, it s sufficient to serialize access to the kernel itself to ensure operations are serialized on the GPU. So, for GEM, I m using a shared memory futex for the DRI3 synchronization primitive. That does not mean that all GPUs will share this same mechanism. Eliminate the kernel serialization guarantee and some more GPU-centric design will be required. What about Swap Buffers? None of the above stuff actually gets bits onto the screen. For now, the GL implementation is simply taking the X pixmap and copying it to the window at SwapBuffers time. This is sufficient to run applications, but doesn t provide for all of the fancy swap options, like limiting to frame rate or optimizing full-screen swaps. I ve decided to relegate all of that functionality to the as-yet-unspecified Present extension. Because the whole goal of DRI3 was to get direct rendered application contents into X pixmaps, the Present extension will operate on those X objects directly. This means it will also be usable with non-DRM applications that use simple X pixmap based double buffering, a class which includes most existing non-GL based Gtk+ and Qt applications. So, I get to reduce the size of the DRI3 extension while providing additional functionality for non direct-rendered applications. Current Status As I said above, all of the above functionality is running on my systems and has booted both complete KDE and Gnome sessions. There have been some recent DMA-BUF related fixes in the kernel, so you ll need to run the latest 3.9.x stable release or a 3.10 release candidate. Here s references to all of the appropriate git repositories: DRI3 protocol and spec:
git://      master
XCB protocol
git://  dri3
XCB library
git:// dri3
xshmfence library:
git://   master
X server:
git://    dri3
git://       dri3
Next Steps Now it s time to go write the Present extension and get that working. I ll start coding and should have another posting here next week.

28 May 2013

Russell Coker: Links May 2013

Cameron Russell (who works as an underwear model) gave an interesting TED talk about beauty [1]. Ben Goldacre gave an interesting and energetic TED talk about bad science in medicine [2]. A lot of the material is aimed at non-experts, so this is a good talk to forward to your less scientific friends. Lev wrote a useful description of how to disable JavaScript from one site without disabling it from all sites which was inspired by Snopes [3]. This may be useful some time. Russ Allbery wrote an interesting post about work and success titled The Why? of Work [4]. Russ makes lots of good points and I m not going to summarise them (read the article, it s worth it). There is one point I disagree with, he says You are probably not going to change the world . The fact is that I ve observed Russ changing the world, he doesn t appear to have done anything that will get him an entry in a history book but he s done a lot of good work in Debian (a project that IS changing the world) and his insightful blog posts and comments on mailing lists influence many people. I believe that most people should think of changing the world as a group project where they are likely to be one of thousands or millions who are involved, then you can be part of changing the world every day. James Morrison wrote an insightful blog post about what he calls Penance driven development [5]. The basic concept of doing something good to make up for something you did which has a bad result (even if the bad result was inadvertent) is probably something that most people do to some extent, but formalising it in the context of software development work is a cencept I haven t seen described before. A 9yo boy named Caine created his own games arcade out of cardboard, when the filmmaker Nirvan Mullick saw it he created a short movie about it and promoted a flash mob event to play games at the arcade [6]. They also created the Imagination Foundation to encourage kids to create things from cardboard [7]. Tanguy Ortolo describes how to use the UDF filesystem instead of FAT for USB devices [8]. This allows you to create files larger than 2G while still allowing the device to be used on Windows systems. I ll keep using BTRFS for most of my USB sticks though. Bruce Schneier gave an informative TED talk about security models [9]. Probably most people who read my blog already have a good knowledge of most of the topics he covers. I think that the best use of this video is to educate less technical people you know. Blaine Harden gave an informative and disturbing TED talk about the concentration camps in North Korea [10]. At the end he points out the difficult task of helping people recover from their totalitarian government that will follow the fall of North Korea. Bruce Schneier has an interesting blog post about the use of a motherboard BMC controller (IPMI and similar) to compromise a server [11]. Also some business class desktop systems and laptops have similar functionality. Russ Allbery wrote an insightful article about the failures of consensus decision-making [12]. He compares the Wikipedia and Debian methods so his article is also informative for people who are interested in learning about those projects. The TED blog has a useful reference article with 10 places anyone can learn to code [13]. Racialicious has an interesting article about the people who take offense when it s pointed out that they have offended someone else [14]. Nick Selby wrote an interesting article criticising the Symantic response to the NYT getting hacked and also criticises anti-viru software in general [15]. He raises the point that most of us already know, anti-virus software doesn t do much good. Securing Windows networks is a losing game. Joshua Brindle wrote an interesting blog post about security on mobile phones and the attempts to use hypervisors for separating data of different levels [16]. He gives lots of useful background information about how to design and implement phone based systems.

